Privacy Policy for Apricotgroup
At Apricotgroup, we value and prioritize the security and privacy of your data. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal information in the course of delivering our world-class products, services, websites, and mobile applications (collectively, our “Solutions & Services”).
1. Personal Data We Collect
We may collect the following types of personal data:
2. How We Utilize Information
We are committed to minimizing data collection and using it only for the following purposes:
Delivering Solutions & Services tailored to your needs
Communicating with you through various mediums, including:
Conducting website analytics using multiple web analytics tools to understand how you interact with our website, including page visits, time spent on each page, operating system and web browser information, and network and IP details.
3. Security, Storage, and Data Retention
We adhere to generally accepted standards to secure and protect the personal data we collect during transmission and storage, including the use of encryption where appropriate.
We retain personal data only for as long as necessary to provide the Services you have requested and for legitimate legal or business purposes. This may include retention periods mandated by law, contracts, or similar obligations applicable to our business operations.
If you have any questions regarding the security or retention of your personal data, feel free to contact us at
4. Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, you can reach us at: